Rhinoplasty testimonial Nose bridge and nose tip Gold rhinoplasty

This is our own unique technique that raises up the nasal dorsum by over 3mm using the patient’s own tissue from the nasal septum cartilage. Gold rhinoplasty is plastic surgery for the nose that only uses the patient’s own tissue. It means a rhinoplasty technique that has the same value as gold.    

Gold rhinoplasty for the nasal bridge and deviated nasal correction

This is our unique technique that raises up the nasal bridge by over 3mm using the patient’s own tissue from the nasal septum cartilage.   Gold rhinoplasty plastic surgery for the nose that only uses the patient’s own tissue. It means a rhinoplasty technique that has the same value as gold.      

Cleared nasal cavity after surgery

  We often find cysts from the majority of patients who suffer from a blocked nose and phlegm during naso-endoscopy. The patients ,of course, weren’t aware of it. The surgery is conducted under topical analgesia and lasts for 10 mins. The patient is able to return to his/her daily life immediately after the surgery.

Olfactory cell regeneration therapy

         The olfactory cells are located in the upper region of the nasal cavity. When  damage occurs in the olfactory cells, it can cause a reduced sense of smell. There are two common causes of damage to olfactory cells; Firstly, resulting from having a cold, secondly, a blocked nose by cysts and rhinitis. For the first […]