3 times of ShimSPOT PRP treatment for Sudden deaf, 66-year-old/ female

She came to my office with a sudden ear fullness and autophonia.

Normally the graph of puretone audiography has to be located no lower than 30dB, however, her graph at 500Hz was at 60 dB, which meant she had fairly severe damage in her inner ear at 0.25kHz.

We treated her with platelet-rich plasma and several drugs using ShimSPOT device right away on her arrival.

You can see the line is lifted from 60 to 40dB at 0.25kHz, which means her hearing is improved.

Nonetheless, she’s still complaining of ear- fullness and aggravated autophonia.

We treated her one more time with the same ShimSPOT device.

The line is lifted from 40 to 35 dB at 0.25kHz.

Now her ear fullness is completely gone.

There are no symptoms irritating her.

She said, «My life is back.»

We’ll treat her on more time for the complete recovery in her audiography.

Cheong-Min Clinic

Location: Seoul, South Korea

Contact :

Tel : + 82-2 400-5580

Email: heliocityclinic@gmail.com