This patient started treatment in ​Cheong-Min Clinic right away and had 6 treatments.

Usually sudden hearing loss occurs when you wake up after sleeping.

The most common cause is stress, and circulatory disturbance is often assumed to be a cause.



The patient is in a situation where they can not hear after sleeping, so they are very surprised and worry about their life.



Especially, in cases where one ear was already impaired and the other ear has sudden hearing loss like the case below, the patient becomes even more surprised.



When puretone audiometry is performed, if it is measured at more than 40 decibels per frequency,

communication is impossible and there is almost no hearing. The bigger the number, the worse the hearing is.



If this number drops below 40, you will hear again

This patient started treatment in ​Cheong-Min Clinic right away and had 6 treatments.




( A decrease of 10 or more is a significant change beyond the tolerance range.)


Changes in each frequency,


Right side

From 500 to 75—> 35 decibels   (40 decibels change)

From 1 K to 65—> 40 decibels     (25 decibels change)

From 2 ​K to 65—> 30 decibels     (35 decibels change)

From 3 K to 70—> 20 decibels    (50 decibels change)

From 4K to 70—> 30 decibels      (20 decibels change)

From 6K to 65—> 45 decibels     (20 decibels change)

From 8K to NRM—> 55 decibels   (45 decibels change)

Well, after this change, do you think he is still not able to hear? ^^*